Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki

This chapter was just a transitional chapter and it was pretty good. I'm glad this arc is over, it started off pretty good but it's ending didn't impress me much. Mira and the others are up so i'm happy about that. Freed's reaction to Laxus was epic, glad they get to see their leader again. Gildarts teasing Laxus was hilarious, and i'm glad Cana is no longer acting all emotional and depressed. Apparently Ultear and Meredy have left the guild which is to be expected. Hopefully we'll know what happened to them soon. O, and I almost forgot, Zeref is evil again it seems.

Art= 8.5/10
Story= 8/10
Fight= 0/10(there was no fight)
Overall Chapter= 8/10

Comments are always welcome.
