Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki

This blog was taken from a very well known user from the One Piece Wiki (in fact, everything except for the first paragraph was taken from him) and in there it had 650 comments (to be exact, 696). So I decided to give this blog an experiment and see how many comments this will receive.

This is a game :

How to play :

King of the Hill !
  • To end your comment, say "My hill" to claim the hill [Or even MH]
  • The Hill ain't yours always.
  • Destroying the Hill ? : Allowed !
  • No teams.

Example :

B: I run towards the hill : My Hill!

A: I use sishin-senson : blow B away : My Hill!

C: Transport A to hell ! My Hill!

A: My soul stabs C : MH!

....................................... and so on !

Have fun .....guys/......girls/......what ever !

Read this !

[new guideline] :

While claiming the hill from someone else : Please try to relate ur reason u give to the "How u escaped the previous reason's effects !

Thanks !

--Adapted from Roranoa zoro
