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Chapter Cover

The chapter cover was pretty good. We finally got the Spriggan's colors, and I have to say, they're pretty nice. Brandish has green hair which will hopefully silence all those extremely weird and out of nowhere "She's Juvia's sister" theories. Ajeel is dark-skinned like Azuma, which is pretty nice and was also pretty obvious by his Egyptian-ish design and King of the Desert epithet. :D Coloring August did nothing for him since he's old as dirt and everything on him is white as snow, XD. And lastly, and certainly least, Dimaria and Invel are both still boring as hell. Even colored. I'm guessing their Magic is going to make up for this, but, we'll see.


The chapter begins with Makarov, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Mest, Gray, Happy, Carla, and Wendy discussing Zeref's presence in the Alvarez Empire before having a heart to heart and fleeing upon Ajeel Lamur's arrival. Ajeel pursues them and when it becomes clear they cannot flee, they decide to fight.


Fairy Tail stands against Ajeel

Favorite Moment: Badass Fairies

Overall, this chapter was pretty good. Frankly speaking, I could've down without the heart to heart because when Makarov started to cry, all the manly epicness of his beard was undone in like two seconds, lol. When Ajeel appeared, I was completely and utterly unsurprised. Me and Yummy were actually discussing this on my last blog. In virtually every badass guild, there's that one big mouthed guy who gets his ass handed to him pretty early on. Zancrow, Jackal, etc. For the Alvarez Empire, it was pretty obvious, even from his brief introduction, that it was going to Ajeel. I was pleasantly surprised, however, at how epic Lucy was. Her Sagittarius Star Dress is my favorite by far. It has an amazing design, and the nature of the Magic just fits Lucy so well. I really hope we see more of her in that. If your a Gray fan, I suppose you found him epic as well. But as many of you already know by now, I find him about as interesting as a sack of old pennies, so... no comment, lol. :D

I believed I mentioned on an earlier blog that I don't find Sand Magic interesting, and I'm holding to that belief. It's just so.... basic. Doesn't have any WOW factor like Brandish's Magic does. :/ Mix that with Ajeel's boring personality and I honestly couldn't give two flying fucks what happens to him. >_> Actually, I take that back. I'm not that interested in his fight, but I really, really, really, REALLY hope Natsu isn't the one who defeats him, assuming of course that Ajeel actually is defeated. Sorry, but after the gazillion Natsu one-shots we had last arc, I've had all the Natsu I can take. Yes, I'm a Natsu hater as well. Sorry... not sorry. Any KOA fans will get this reference. :D But in all seriousness, I'm hoping and praying that anyone. Literally, anyone besides Natsu takes lead in this battle. Please Mashima, make this happen. >___< You know what? I'd even like to see Makarov do it. It's been far too long since we've seen him in battle.

Oh, and I forgot to mention this earlier, but Natsu grabbed his bandage arm again. Obviously something E.N.D. related (I'm guessing, since Gray was the one who noticed it last time). Anybody have any theories about it? You seem to have them about everything else, lol. :D

Rants and Raves

  • Makarov's back!!!
  • ... but he cried like a bitch. >_>
  • Everything Erza does is amazing. That woman eats, sleeps, and breathes epicness! ^___^
  • Lucy's Star Dress was amazing this chapter! I love some epic bow and arrow action! :D
  • Ajeel seems like the Zancrow/Jackal of the Spriggans. Never liked those characters. >_>
  • Lame personality/Magic or not though, Ajeel's awesome design can't be denied.
  • That last panel with everyone in the guild was pretty epic. Not even going to lie. :D

Final Scores

Review Scores
Category Rating Yoruichi Chibi
Art 10/10 starsFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star
Story 7/10 starsFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarEmpty StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
Fight 8/10 starsFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
Overall Chapter 7Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull StarHalf StarEmpty StarEmpty Star

Comments are always welcome.
