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This is the talk page for the article "Spiria".

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Hello, apologies if this is a redundant question, but I was wondering why the name "Suspiria" was decided on. Since the katakana are "スピリア" (Supiria) and it's obviously based on the word "spirit", wouldn't it be more apt to say it's "Spirior"? Also because the ending "-ior" of English words, when transcribed into Japanese, usually becomes "-ia" (e.g. "junior", when transcribed into katakana, becomes "junia" (ジュニア)).

So wouldn't "Spirior" be more accurate instead of "Suspiria" (with the latter I have a hard time getting where the second "s" comes from. Karama20 (talk) 14:46, 16 January 2021 (UTC)

I can understand what you mean, personally I don't mind what its called at the moment coz at the end of the day i see it is a placeholder and will be renamed again once the official english translation is released. I think the person who named the page named it that way since the word suspiria exist in real life unlike spirior which is from the fan translations. Feel free to message Ncduru for more clarification. LightningGeistRead about Laxus? 15:46, 16 January 2021 (UTC)

But "Suspiria" still makes no sense as an interpretation of Supiria, no more than "Cuberos" for Kyuberiosu, "Gray Surge" for Gurei Sorūju, and "Dorma Anim" for Doroma Animu. SubZeroSilver (talk) 17:11, 8 March 2021 (UTC)

I want to add to this topic because I believe it should be changed to "Spirior". I have checked on multiple websites and on Manga Stream, in accordance to the wiki's Spoiler Policy. And on Manga Stream, Chapter 70, page 8, Irene specifically explains to Wendy, "It's simple… You know how Ethernano is required to use magic? Well, spiritual arts have a similar factor in order to use them: Spirior. The spiritual arts have developed so much that this place is littered with Spirior. All you have to do is take it in and enchant your magic with it. If you give magic the concept of spiritual arts, you'll be able to oppose those arts." So it is translated and spelt as "Spirior" NOT "Spiria". Zachary1969 (talk) 01:54, 21 October 2021 (UTC)