Nightmare Magic is an unnamed, anime-only, Caster Magic related to dreams.
This Magic allows the user to influence people through their dreams, allowing them to influence their target's tarot readings,[1] having complete control over their target[2] or even having their target give up their memories to obtain Magic.[1]
This can go as far as putting the targets in a trance-like state, a blank slate completely under the caster's control and the loss of their memories.[1][2] This can have a bad effect on the victim, causing tiredness, headaches and high fever from prolonged exposure to this Magic; this can be broken when a form of Healing Magic is cast on the target of this Magic. However, traces of this Magic can still remain even if the user has died when the target has been under this Magic for a long time, clinging to the victims brain like a disease. Thus curing this requires delicate healing, less the risk of damaging their brains.[3]