Holy Hammer is an anime-only Magic Weapon.
The hammer is longer than a normal human's height with a long black handle in a zigzag shape. The head consists of a series of gray cylindrical sections, the frontal one being larger than the rest, with light brown plating on its front. On the front of the hammerhead is the emblem of the Zentopia Church on a white circular background.[1]
The Holy Hammer is an ancient Zentopian weapon discovered during an archaeological investigation that unearthed part of the Infinity Clock.[2] The hammer is said to keep evil at bay, it protects its wielder from the effects of Real Nightmare, even when stored in the user's pocket dimension via Requip, it can also dispel the effects from others.[1]The hammers offensive power is capable of breaking through strong defensive abilities such as barriers of Sound Magic as well as several giant chains of the Infinity Castle with ease.[3][4] It was also shown to be useful for defensive measures as well.[5]