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Fairy Tail Wiki

Give me five! is the third opening theme for the OVAs of the Fairy Tail anime. It is performed by Chihiro Yonekura.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


TV Version[]

Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to Adventure Life!

Boys & Girls! Are you ready?
Bokura wa yumemiru jetto kōsutā
Naita tte warattatte jinsei wa denkōsekka
Hurry up! wow yeah

Enjin furu kaiten shōjun wa negai ni Lock on!
Everybody kibun jōjō iza! Ride on Time

Fukuzatsuna hāto shinpuru ni naretara
Wakuwaku shiyōyo

Welcome to Adventure Life!
Otanoshimi wa mada korekarasa
Karafuruna yume ga hajike dasu
Bokura wa mugen no mirai takara no arika o sagashite
Give me five!
Give me five!

Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to Adventure Life!

Boys & Girls! Are you ready?
泣いたって 笑ったって 人生は電光石火
Hurry up! wow yeah

エンジン フル回転 照準は願いにLock on!
Everybody 気分上々 いざ!Ride on Time

複雑なハート シンプルになれたら

Welcome to Adventure Life!
お楽しみは まだこれからさ
カラフルな夢が 弾け出す
僕らは無限の未来 宝の在り処を探して
Give me five!
Give me five!

Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to Adventure Life!

Boys & Girls! Are you ready?
We are the dreaming roller coaster
We may cry or laugh, life goes at a lighting speed
Hurry up! wow yeah

Engine running at full speed, aiming for a wish, Lock on!
Everybody feeling good, let's go! Ride on Time

Complicated heart, when
It becomes simple, let's get excited

Welcome to Adventure Life!
Fun has just begun
The colorful dream is exploding
We are the limitless future, search for the treasure
Give me five!
Give me five!

Full Version[]

Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to Adventure Life!

Boys & Girls! Are you ready?
Bokura wa yumemiru jetto kōsutā
Naita tte warattatte jinsei wa denkōsekka
Hurry up! wow yeah

Enjin furu kaiten shōjun wa negai ni Lock on!
Everybody kibun jōjō iza! Ride on Time

Fukuzatsuna hāto shinpuru ni naretara
Wakuwaku shiyōyo

Welcome to Adventure Life!
Otanoshimi wa mada korekarasa
Karafuruna yume ga hajike dasu
Bokura wa mugen no mirai takara no arika o sagashite
Give me five!

Night and day Are yō OK?
Guruguru kōkai merīgōrando
Donmai hekondatte
Ashita e ichirentakushō
Stand up! wow Yes!
Chansu no shippo wa isshun de nigechaukedo
Every time shichitenhakki iza! Catchin 'up

Fushigina chikara komiagete kuru
Tune up! mina arigatō

Welcome to Adventure Life! sora wa itsumo
Dare no ue ni mo aoku hirogatterunda
Ichido kiri demo moridakusan no bōken
Issho ni kagayaki tsuzukeyō
Give me five!

Wow ...

Welcome to Adventure Life!
Otanoshimi wa koko kara jōshō kiryū
Yō & I

Welcome to Adventure Life! sora wa itsumo
Dare no ue ni mo aoku hirogatteru nda
Naseba naru bokura wa mugen no mirai takara no arika o sagashite
Give me five!
Give me five!

Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to Adventure Life!

Boys & Girls! Are you ready?
泣いたって 笑ったって 人生は電光石火
Hurry up! wow yeah

エンジン フル回転 照準は願いにLock on!
Everybody 気分上々 いざ!Ride on Time

複雑なハート シンプルになれたら

Welcome to Adventure Life!
お楽しみは まだこれからさ
カラフルな夢が 弾け出す
僕らは無限の未来 宝の在り処を探して
Give me five!

Night and day Are you OK?
グルグル後悔 メリーゴーランド
ドンマイ へこんだって
Stand up! wow Yes!
チャンスの尻尾は 一瞬で逃げちゃうけど
Every time 七転八起 いざ!Catchin' up

不思議な力 こみ上げてくる
Tune up! 皆ありがとう

Welcome to Adventure Life! 空はいつも
誰の上にも 青く広がってるんだ
一度きり でも 盛りだくさんの冒険
Give me five!


Welcome to Adventure Life!
お楽しみは ここから上昇気流
You & I

Welcome to Adventure Life! 空はいつも
誰の上にも 青く広がってるんだ
為せば成る 僕らは無限の未来 宝の在り処を探して
Give me five!
Give me five!

