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This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Obra GMG PP.jpg has been chosen as the new profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.


This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Obra GMG.png was chosen as the profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.


This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Obra Prop.png was chosen as the profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.

Ophiuchus (Eclipse)[]

This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Eclipse Ophiuchus true form prop.png was chosen as the profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.


This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Org proposal.png was chosen as the new profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.


This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:X791 Org prop.png was chosen as the new profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.

Orga Nanagear[]

This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
Image will stay the same until a better option arises.
Please do not edit this discussion.


This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Orga Nanagear GMG.png has been chosen as the new profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.

Orga Nanagear[]

This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
No changes will be made
Please do not edit this discussion.

Orga Nanagear[]

This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Orga prop.png was chosen as the new profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.

Orga Nanagear[]

This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion is:
File:Orga profile image.png was chosen as the new profile picture.
Please do not edit this discussion.
