Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki
Time Sorciere Logo
Welcome to the Time Sorcière Headquarters!
Welcome to the Time Sorcière Headquarters. If you have any questions, please contact IamJakuhoRaikoben . Thank you!
  • Information concerning the team is listed below.
  • Please do not change any of the information listed in this page.
  • Enjoy your stay with us. Thank you!

Time Sorcière

The Time Sorcière is an official team of the Fairy Tail Wiki, affiliated with the Image Guild. It is a group of Fairy Tail Wiki Users who have the task of creating timelines and enhancing our current timelines. These users are dedicated to the task of making sure that the wiki's timeline is of the highest quality.


Glass Heart , a very active user of the wiki, had the idea of creating a team that could improve the wiki's Timeline as it was currently in poor shape. She contacted IamJakuhoRaikoben about it and he agreed. He then opened up a forum recruiting members for the team and after a week or so, he picked five users for the final line up. Glass Heart then pestered him about creating the team page and after a little while, he did. The team's name is derived from the independent guild Crime Sorcière and the Magic Arc of Time which is used by the team's mascot, Ultear Milkovich.

Team Statistics

Team Colors  Light Gray 
Team Mascot Ultear Milkovich
Team Crest Time Sorciere Logo
Guild Image Guild

Roles of the Time Sorcière

The following are the duties of the Time Sorcière:

  1. To create detailed timelines.
  2. To enhance already existing timelines.
  3. To search through the anime and manga for information related to chronology.
  4. To carefully analyze the anime and manga to make educated deductions on the chronological order of events.
  5. To constantly update the timeline as the series goes on and more information is revealed.


Mage Signature Admission Current Status
IamJakuhoRaikoben IamJakuhoRaikoben (Talk) Iam...    JakuhōRaikōben  July 21, 2012 Inactive
TheCarrotSaysYumYum TheCarrotSaysYumYum (Talk) ☆°・*CarrotSays...*・°☆ July 21, 2012 Inactive
RedFemaleKnight RedFemaleKnight (Talk) Who am I?Talk to me!  July 21, 2012 Inactive

Omega natsu2 Omega natsu2 (Talk)

MegaPanchamTalk April 24, 2013 Inactive

Former Mages

Joining the Time Sorcière

Ultear wants YOU to join Time Sorcière...when their are spots available

There are currently no vacant spots available. If you would like to be apart of this team, then leave a message on our talk page. Your works will be reviewed and if deemed qualified, your name will be added to the list of Mages. All appliers must not be anonymous users. If you wish to join the team, you must create an account. Also, before applying, please be sure you have the time to put into the team!

Excommunication from the Time Sorcière

Any Mage that goes one month without helping the team in some way, will be excommunicated from Time Sorcière. When you are excommunicated, you must take the team's badge off of your userpage within two days of being notified of your excommunication. If you do not remove it, one of your fellow team members will. Excommunications aren't permanent and if you wish to rejoin the team, simply re-apply.


Here at the Time Sorcière, all work is undertaken in three separate stages: the Initial Stage, where members are briefed on the Time Period they will be undertaking and the time in which it will be completed; the Research Stage in which members begin to research the arc being undertaken and adding the referenced information to the Scratch Pad. Once all members are satisfied, or time expires, the Finalization Stage is undertaken. In this stage, the team leader will check if the reference tags are used correctly and correct spelling errors in the information. After that, the discussion/Scratch Pad is concluded and archived appropriately, the information is integrated into the timeline.

Team Badge

For use by Mages only!!!

Click here if you wish to travel back in time to visit Time Sorcière! This user is a member of Time Sorcière.

Type {{TimeSorcière}} on your user page; this mark is a symbol that you're a Mage of our team.


Time Period: Macao Arc
Click here to travel back in time and visit the time period the Mages of Time Sorcière are currently residing in.


Clock Time Periods Visited Clock
