Mage of the Month! |
Welcome to the Referencia Guild |
Welcome to Referencia Guild. If you have any questions please contact the Master or one of our S-Class Mages, thank you.
Referencia Guild
The Referencia Guild is a group of Fairy Tail Wiki users who have the clean-up task of adding references to articles, and making sure references within articles are correct and proper. These users are dedicated to the task of making sure information within the Wiki is properly sourced, a task which is necessary. They also have the duty of improving our articles in general by doing tasks such as: expanding or shortening as necessary. All users should read over our Referencing Guidelines before you start referencing.
Guild Stats
Guild Colors | Lime Purple |
Guild Mascot | |
Guild Crest | |
Official Teams | |
Previous Official Teams |
Roles of the Referencia Guild
The following are the duties of this guild:
- 1. To add references in order to assure correct information.
- 2. To assure references are properly placed.
- 3. To assure references are reputable and correct.
- 4. To remove false references.
- 5. To educate other users on the usage and importance of references.
- 6. To reference the new info that is added to the character's pages when the new manga chapters come out weekly.
- 7. To understand that referencing isn't a one-time thing, and unless the character is dead, the referencing work on their page will not end until the show itself ends.
- 8. To fix the format of existing references.
- 9. To expand or shorten articles as necessary.
- 10. To bring any articles on the site up to standard.
If any non-members wish to see a particular page on the site be improved, then leave a message on the talkpage and the Guild Master or one of the S-Class Mages will add it to the list of jobs.
Mage | Signature | Admission Date | Current Status |
Supervisor IamJakuhoRaikoben | 夢Iam... 黒 JakuhōRaikōben死 | March 12, 2011 | Inactive |
Guild Master Wrath022 | WrathZero | January 30, 2014 | Inactive |
S-Class Mage Umnei | :Umnei: | November 12, 2012 | Inactive |
S-Class Mage WonderfulUnicorn | Wonder Talk ★★ | July 16, 2015 | Inactive |
Mage ChokokuguzaNoTobira | • LEFT AT: → | November 20, 2014 | Inactive |
Mage VideoGamesLover | User:VideoGamesLover/Sig | December 22, 2014 | Inactive |
Mage ImagineBreaker | Gin-san | July 19, 2015 | Inactive |
Mage Godisme | God · Pray · | September 19, 2015 | Inactive |
- Has the right to promote and demote users.
- Has the right to add jobs to the request board.
- Has the right to add jobs to the request board with the appropriate Jewels.
- Has the right to allow users to Join the Guild and add their name to the registry.
- Has the right to check completed jobs and move them to the completed list.
- Has the right to remove inactive users.
- Has the right to take and complete jobs.
Guild Master
- Is the primary contact for the Guild
- Has the right to add jobs to the request board.
- Has the right to add jobs to the request board with the appropriate Jewels.
- Has the right to allow users to Join the Guild and add their name to the registry.
- Has the right to check completed jobs and move them to the completed list.
- Has the right to remove inactive users.
- Has the right to take and complete jobs.
S-Class Mage
- Has the right to report inactive users to the Guild Master.
- Has the right to allow users to Join the Guild and add their name to the registry.
- Has the right to take and complete jobs.
- Has the right to take and complete jobs.
- All users that go a month without placing a sufficient amount of references will be tagged as "Inactive".
Former Members
Here at the Referencia Guild, you pick up jobs from the Jobs section below, read the problems section of the request, and fix the problems detailed. Each Job is worth a certain amount of Jewels, and at the end of the month, Wrath will tally all the points and whoever has earned the most Jewels will be called the Mage of the Month. If you see a job that is Free, simply replace the word "Free" with Taken and your signature beside it. Once you are finished, replace Taken with Completed, and it will be checked for completion. Please note that any user that doesn't do an adequate amount of work will be excommunicated.
When signing up for a job please use ~~~ instead of ~~~~ so that you're timestamp isn't left.
Joining the Referencia Guild
If you wish to join the Guild, fill out the application below and post it on the guild talk page, and after your application has been reviewed, the Guild Master will add your name to the list of members. All users should be dedicated to improving our wiki, and must not be anonymous users. If you wish to join the guild, you must create an account.
Excommunication from our Guild
Any users that go two months without completing at least three jobs will be excommunicated from the Referencia Guild. When you are excommunicated, you must take our Guild's Badge off of your userpage within two days of being notified of your excommunication. If you do not remove it, one of your fellow Guild members will. Before a Guild Member is excommunicated, they must be warned at least 2 weeks in advance. The Guild Master or one of our S-Class Mages should handle this. Excommunications aren't permanent and if you wish to rejoin the guild, simply re-apply.
{{ReferenciaGuild/Application2 |Image=Just your avatar name, nothing else! If you haven't uploaded your avatar to the site, leave this blank!! |Name?= |Nickname?= |Gender?= |Age?= |How long have you been on the Fairy Tail Wiki?= |Team?= |Other Guilds?= |Do you have any experience with referencing?= |How long have you been on the Fairy Tail Wiki?= |How long have you been on Wikia in general?= |Do you edit on any other wikis?= |If you answered yes to the previous question, can any users from those wikis vouch for you being a good editor?= |If you answered yes to the previous question, provide their usernames.= |How often can you edit?= |Why do you want to join the Referencia Guild?= |If accepted, when could you start?= |Signature= }}
Referencing Guidelines
- References should be from the manga, unless it's something that happened in the anime only; in that case, reference the anime episode it's from.
- If you are referencing a manga chapter or an anime episode, there is no need to describe your references. Simply put the reference, and the reader can go to the chapter or episode themselves.
- Everything must be referenced. This includes their Arcs, their history, Magic and Abilities section, trivia, quotes, etc. Please see here for an example.
- Most character pages have the spells and the spell images missing, add them to the page and reference them. View Mirajane's page for the format of the spells and the Magic on the page.
- Exceptions to Referencing:
- The appearance section is exempt from referencing if it is just describing the appearance. For example, if it states Natsu has brown eyes, but if it says something like Natsu wears a scarf that he recieved from Igneel, then it needs to be referenced.
- Major Battles section is never referenced.
- The only time these 3 sections (not counting Major Battles) should be referenced, is if they mention something interesting that a reader might want to check, or something not already stated in the article.
- Usually you will have to reword the Magic and Abilities sections, so that you can reference properly. This is fine.
- Do not just put the chapter for a reference, put the page it happened on as well.
- Once a page has at least 9 references, a small small scroll box must be added to the references. This is done so the references don't take up too much space on the page.
- Most users tend to have problems with the scroll boxes, so just copy and paste this code onto the pages exactly like this:
- {{Small Scroll box
- |content=
- <references/>
- }}
- The References should be in this style:
- For Manga References: <ref>Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 1, Pages 1-2</ref>
- For Anime References: <ref>Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 1</ref>
- For Omake References: <ref>Fairy Tail Omake: Welcome to Fairy Hills!!, Pages 1-2</ref>
- For OVA References: <ref>Fairy Tail OVA: Welcome to Fairy Hills!!</ref>
- For Movie References: <ref>Fairy Tail Movie: Priestess of the Phoenix</ref>
Note: Some things on the same page will have the exact same reference in that case use this format.
- For Duplicate Anime References: <ref name="Episode 45">Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 45</ref>
- For Duplicate Manga References: <ref name="Chapter 45, Page 4">Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 45, Page 4</ref>
- If you use the duplicate manga reference, the two or more things being referenced must have the exact same chapter and page.
- Also, once you place the initial Duplicate Reference:
<ref name="Episode 45">Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 45</ref>
The next Duplicate References can just be
<ref name="Episode 45"/>.
Guild Mark
For use by members only!!!
Type {{ReferenciaGuild}} on your user page; this mark is a symbol that you're a member of our Guild. If you are excommunicated from the Guild, you must remove it from your user page, or another user will remove it for you.
For use of former members ONLY!
However, you can replace it with {{FormerMage|guild=Referencia}}, which is a symbol of you being a former Mage of our guild.
Request Board
Appearance in Other Media Jobs
the following list pertains to the "Appearances in Other Media" section of the character listed, which is expected to be completely updated. The appearance made by the character is gratuitously provided for your convenience. The summaries are numbered as such to correlate with how they are numbered in the navigation. Make sure each appearance is referenced, reworded, expanded and restructured appropriately.
If any more assistance is required, feel free to contact Wrath. It is understandable that not all the other medias can be found, so close-cutting it will be fine, but do not partake in a job if you know you won't be able to find a considerable amount of. Also, Mages are still expected to only take 3 jobs in total at a time.
Omake List
Discretionary Jobs
Aside from just completing the Jobs under the Request Board, we are to make sure our articles within the wiki are referenced correctly and properly. All the information should be properly sourced and we are also to improve articles by shortening/ expanding etc. If any Referencia Guild members find a page within our wiki that is heavily deprived of references or desperately requires rewording and restructuring, they can fulfill the necessities of the article and then post the edit page onto my talk page. From there, the work completed will be judged and the user will be rewarded with Jewels.
- The page submitted must be a page that desperately needed work. I will not award Jewels for a single reference on a page.
- When posting on my talk page, please make it as neat as you can, and not to create several headers to submit a job or two every now and then. Submit all the discretionary jobs you have completed in bulk under a neatly titled header.
- I will judge the jewel count by the amount of work completed, the amount of resources utilized and the amount of work it required. That being said, if the jewel count granted for the job isn't on par to what you are expecting, persuasive negotiations will not be tolerated to increase the jewel count unless it is a fault on my own part.
If any more assistance is required, feel free to contact Jak.
S-Class Jobs
Completed Pages
List of Pages that were completed this month. For all the others, please view the Completed Archive to the right.
Completed Jobs Archive Completed Jobs Archive 2 |
- Jean-Luc Neville Completed by Wonder Talk ★★
- Wall Eehto Completed by WrathZero
Monthly Total
This is the spot to tally all the Jewels that all our current Mages have. At the end of the month, who ever has the most Jewels is named the Mage of the Month.
Dispelling Mage
Real Godisme
Mages of the Month