All's Well that Ends Well is the 24th chapter of Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest by Hiro Mashima and Atsuo Ueda, a sequel to Fairy Tail.
Convening with Mercphobia and Karameel the group learns of the other Five Dragon Gods, tasking themselves to head to Drasil in order to investigate the Wood Dragon God, Aldoron.
Natsu's team inform Mercphobia and Karameel that a fire Dragon named Ignia appeared. The Water Dragon God is shocked that they are still alright despite his appearance. He explains that Ignia is one of the Five Dragon Gods and that he is the son of Igneel. The group is surprised to hear this, but it explains how the Fire Dragon God knew Natsu. Mercphobia is then told that Natsu was raised by Igneel, presuming this is the reason Ignia came here himself. The Water Dragon God tells them that he is not one they can defeat, as are the other Dragon Gods. Despite this, they are still set on defeating them as that is what they came here for. Gray asks what he knows about the other Dragon Gods. While he cannot share with them their current locations as it has been a while since they have met, he can tell them whatever he knows as he owes them. The Fire Dragon God, Ignia, has destroyed countless countries and is surprised that Ermina still stands. The Wood Dragon God, Aldoron, is the largest one and has heard he has the power to read minds. Selene is the Moon Dragon God who uses the power of the stars. Lastly is Viernes, the Gold Dragon God, though he has never met him.
Wendy asks why if he is also a Dragon God. Mercphobia answers that the Five Dragon Gods did not decide to call themselves that on their own and the humans were the ones who started it after hearing their bad deeds. Natsu and the others wonder how they got called gods despite this. Karameel notes how humans often praise a powerful being they fear as a god, whether they are good or evil does not matter. Erza thanks them for the information. Mercphobia adds that while he does not know the other Dragon Gods' location, he has an idea where one is, but warns them again and asks if they still want to go. Later, Mercphobia and Karameel watch as Natsu's group leaves. The latter apologizes, saying that if it was not for her asking the White Wizard then the destruction would not have happened. Mercphobia takes this in stride, remarking that the results are alright; the Water Dragon God has died, the calamity is gone, the people are restoring the town and living life. To him, there is no better pleasure. Karameel begins to tear, which Mercphobia asks to just use his name. Though she agrees to just call him Merc.
Out in a field, the team journeys to the center of the continent. Gray states that he does not want to go all the way on foot, which Erza notes they do not have a choice. However, when she checks the map and finds a line that was erased, she blames Natsu and Wendy for this. Examining the map, they can go by train in the next town Tekka. They camp for the night, where Lucy writes her thoughts in her journal. Knowing that their next target is the Wood Dragon God Aldoron, she thinks this will be an easy win with Natsu's fire. However, she sulks as she thinks about him going berserk after eating Ignia's fire. Just as she utters his name, Natsu peaks into the tent. She scolds him and tells him not to come in. He notices that Erza's asleep and decides to pull a prank after being treated badly that day, asking Lucy for a pen. The next morning, the boys laugh at the ridiculous drawings on the girls' faces, making Erza chase after Natsu.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
Battles & Events[]
- None
Magic, Spells and Abilities used[]
Magic used[]
- Transformation Magic (変身魔法 Henshin Mahō)
Spells used[]
- None
Abilities used[]
- Swordsmanship
Armors used[]
- Heart Kreuz Armor (ハートクロス鎧 Hāto Kurosu Yoroi)
Weapons used[]
- Sword
Alvarez arc | Water Dragon God arc | Wood Dragon God arc |
← | Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapters | → |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
← | Episodes | → |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |