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Deliora (デリオラ Deriora) is an Etherious, a Demon created by the Black Mage Zeref through the use of his Living Magic from the Books of Zeref.[2] Deliora is responsible for countless deaths, among them are the parents of Gray Fullbuster.[3]


Deliora is a massive, dark blue, humanoid Demon. He has a large torso and two large arms that end in large, scaly hands. In addition, he has two large legs that end in feet that resemble the feet from a large bird, he also has large spikes on the back of his feet. His hair is mane-like in shape and it flows down to the nape of his neck. He has a pair of horns that point upwards, starting from a plate on his forehead. He has large pointed teeth as well as two hollow eyes.


Deliora in Ice

Deliora encased in Iced Shell

At some point in time, Deliora was created by Zeref.[4] He roamed around the continent destroying different cities and towns. In the year X774, he entered into the Land of Isvan.[5] After destroying a few cities in the area, he traveled to Brago in the Northern Continent where he began destroying cities there; Gray Fullbuster, who heard that the Demon was in Brago, chased after it and attempted to fight Deliora.[6] His mentor, Ur, came to his rescue, but realized that the Demon was too powerful for her to defeat[7] and so she froze it through the use of a spell called Iced Shell, which turned her body into an ice prison that sealed away Deliora.[8] He stayed on the Northern Continent, sealed in Ur's ice prison until the year X781, when Lyon Vastia and his comrades brought Deliora from Brago to Galuna Island.[9] There, through the use of Moon Drip, they tried to unseal him.[10]


Galuna Island arc

Deliora's death

Deliora's death

Through the combined efforts of Lyon Vastia and his comrades Deliora was freed from the spell that had him bound. He let out several loud roars that could be heard throughout the temple where he had been unsealed.[11] Afterwards, however, since Ur's Iced Shell had been slowly draining Deliora's life force for 10 years, moments after his revival, Deliora crumbled to pieces and died.[12]

Magic and Abilities

Deliora's Magic Beam

Deliora's Magic Beam

Magic Beams: Deliora is able to shoot large, powerful, lime-colored Magic beams from his mouth[13] that, upon contact with anything, cause enormous amounts of flame to erupt. The destruction caused by these beams is tremendous.[14] He attempted to shoot these beams at Gray Fullbuster and Lyon Vastia, but they were blocked by Ur.[15]

Immortality: Deliora, before his death, was an immortal Demon, meaning that he could not die of old age; however, physical attacks, blows, etc., could kill him.[16]

Appearances in Other Media

Video Games

Fairy Tail Portable Guild

Deliora appears in Fairy Tail's first official video game, Fairy Tail Portable Guild. In the game, he is one of the most powerful bosses. Like most of the game's large creatures, Deliora's size has been reduced greatly from what it is in the series.[17]

Battles & Events


  1. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 27, Page 20
  2. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 83, Page 6
  3. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 37, Page 10
  4. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 83, Page 6
  5. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 27, Page 27
  6. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 37, Pages 9-10
  7. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 37, Page 14
  8. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 38, Pages 8-15
  9. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 41, Page 6
  10. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 41, Pages 15-16
  11. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 42, Pages 2-4
  12. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 43, Pages 12-15
  13. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 37, Page 15
  14. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 15
  15. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 37, Page 15
  16. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 27, Page 27
  17. Fairy Tail Video Game: Fairy Tail Portable Guild

