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Dark Guilds (闇ギルド Yami Girudo) are Guilds not officially recognized by the Magic Council; therefore, they are treated as criminal organizations.[1] Dark Guilds are typically disdainful of Legal Guilds, seeing as how they abide the rules imposed by the Magic Council. One of their most prevalent beliefs is that the rules of the Council would only limit the full potential of all Guilds as they place too many restrictions.


There is very little known information about the true hierarchy of the Dark Guilds. All Dark Guilds, like their Legal counterparts are run by a respective Guild Master. Some Dark Guilds have S-Class level Mages, but it is unknown if they are referred to as such. In the Grimoire Heart Dark Guild they had a Deputy Commander, or second-in-command of the Guild.[2]

Balam Alliance

The Balam Alliance (バラム同盟 Baramu Dōmei) was an alliance between the three most powerful Dark Guilds in Fiore. Despite being referred to as an alliance, the three Guilds did not necessarily interact with each other at all and their "alliance" was really nothing more than a non-aggression pact. In X784, they controlled all Dark Guilds with the exception of Raven Tail.[3] As of X792, the Balam Alliance is officially defunct.[4]

Guild Name Description Guild Master Status Symbol
Oración Seis An extremely powerful Dark Guild and one of the three ruling Dark Guilds of the Balam Alliance. Though they comprised the smallest guild ever shown with only six members, they had many Dark Guilds under them and were strong enough to hold their own as individuals. They made an attempt to seize Nirvana and use it to destroy the world but were defeated by the Allied Forces. After their fall the Guild was dissolved and all members were imprisoned. Zero Dissolved
Oración Seis Symbol
Grimoire Heart One of the three major Dark Guilds and a member of the Balam Alliance. In X784 it was the strongest Dark Guild in existence. Its members resided in a very large airship that flew over the land. Their purpose, to reawaken Zeref and create the Ultimate Magic World led them to Tenrou Island where they found Fairy Tail's S-Class Mage Promotion Trial to be taking place. A war occurred between the two Guilds which Fairy Tail ultimately won. Hades Dissolved
Grimiore Heart
Tartaros One of the ruling Dark Guilds of the Balam Alliance made almost entirely of Demons from the Books of Zeref. For many years they kept silent, staying completely hidden from the Magic World but recently started their movement by intruding on Era and killing the entire Magic Council along with 100 others, leaving only a few alive but injured as well. They also assassinated most of the former Council members in their quest to unseal Face, a terrifying weapon of the Council's able to erase all traces of Magic from the continent of Ishgar. The Guild was virtually wiped out during the ensuing battle between it and Fairy Tail. E.N.D. Dissolved

Other Dark Guilds

Guild Name Description Guild Master Status Symbol
Eisenwald A Dark Guild that operated under Oración Seis. They were supposedly disbanded by the Magic Council but continued taking assassination missions and performing other illegal Guild activities. Filled with spite for the Magic Council, they looked for a way to get revenge. Upon hearing of the infamous magical flute Lullaby, they planned to kill all of the legal Guild Masters as they attended a regular meeting with Lullaby's Death Magic. However, their plan was spoiled by Team Natsu. Unknown Dissolved Unknown
Naked Mummy A small Dark Guild operating under Oración Seis specializing in Guns Magic. All of their members look like monkeys. Unknown Active
Naked Mummy mark
Death's Head Caucus Another Dark Guild is known for being unmatched in its number of successful assassinations. The only known members, the team Trinity Raven participated in Jellal Fernandes' Heaven's Game against the Fairy Tail members. The Guild seems to be extremely powerful as all members shown were able to match or overpower S-Class level Mages such as Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser; their leader Ikaruga even held the upper hand against Erza Scarlet for the majority of their battle. Unknown Active
Death Head Caucus
Dark Unicorn Another Dark Guild under Oración Seis' control. Nothing is known about them except that they all wear similar uniforms. These outfits are like school uniforms and most of them are worn in styles reminiscent of stereotypical high school delinquents. They also shape their hair in a way that looks like the horn of a unicorn. They carry around weapons instead of using Magic. Unknown Unknown
Dark Unicorn
Harpuia A Guild personally led by Racer, one of the original Oración Seis. Its members were all easily defeated by Natsu while he was hunting down Jellal. They resembled racing pit crew workers since they carried tools and wore helmets. Racer Dissolved
Harpuia mark
Ghoul Spirit A Guild aligned with Oración Seis that was quickly destroyed by the Thunder God Tribe. No leader was made apparent. Their Guild's headquarters were located northwest of Shirotsume Town. Unknown Dissolved
Ghoul Spirit mark
Red Hood A Guild under Oración Seis that encountered Lyon Vastia, Sherry Blendy and Jura Neekis. They all wear red hoods as their name suggests. Many members of were seen wielding staffs; most Mages of the Guild were exceptionally good drawers and used Pict Magic like Reedus Jonah, the difference being they used it on paper instead of in their bodies. They showed themselves to use an ability called Unison Pict which combined all their drawings and summoned one together using everyone's Magic; another reason for using this Magic might be that some of the drawings are really strong and the users can't call them out single-handedly such as in the case of the Wyvern they summoned. Even Jura admired their drawing skills and capabilities but nonetheless defeated the Wyvern as well as all of them with minimal effort. Unknown Unknown Unknown
Succubus Eye A Dark Guild under the control of Tartaros, their job was to patrol the Sun Village and protect it from those seeking to unfreeze the giants, among other things. Minerva Orland, a former member of the Legal Guild Sabertooth joined after the end of the X791 Grand Magic Games. Unfortunately, most of its members (including Minerva) were used as test subjects to bolster the ranks of their employing Guild by Kyôka, one of Tartaros' Nine Demon Gates. Unknown Dissolved
Succubus Eye Mark
Fairy Tail (Edolas) This Fairy Tail is an alternate-universe counterpart of the Fairy Tail Guild from Earth Land. Fairy Tail was the only Guild in the entire realm of Edolas and treated like a Dark Guild since Mage Guilds were banned by Faust. It was therefore targeted by the Edolas Royal Army, specifically the "Fairy Hunter" Erza Knightwalker for destruction. Now that Mystogan sucked all the Magic out of Edolas and into Earth Land, it doesn't have Magic anymore. Unknown Active
Fairy Tail Edolas Symbol
Reborn Oración Seis Seven years after the disappearance of Team Tenrou, Reborn Oraciòn Seis was created from the ashes of the original namesake Guild. They made an attempt to control the Infinity Clock after acquiring the parts for it through the manipulation of Zentopia Church and their Legion Corps which ended in the death of Imitatia, betrayal of the Legion Corps and arrests of all remaining Guild members. Midnight Dissolved
Oración Seis Symbol
Blue Skull A Dark Guild that raided Tenrou Island and killed the Mages of Red Lizard, including its Guild Master Zeeself. 98 years prior to Lucy Heartfilia joining Fairy Tail they overran Magnolia Town and severely wounded the would-be founders of the aforementioned guild: Hades, Warrod Sequen, Yuri Dreyar and Mavis Vermilion. Geoffrey Dissolved
Blue Skull


  • The word Balam in "Balam Alliance" is the name of a king of hell who rules over 40 legions of demons.
  • When the Balam Alliance was introduced, numerous other Dark Guild names were shown including Btenza, Mpv and Gloria under Oración Seis, Axe and Nexus under Tartaros and Zaxsa under Grimoire Heart.[5]


  1. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 10, Page 5
  2. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 231, Page 17
  3. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 131, Page 12
  4. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 424, Page 17
  5. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 52

