Acid Magic is an unnamed Caster Magic related to the use of acid.
It is a Magic that allows the user to create and control acid in various different ways and to various different effects. The acid appears to be created from the user's fist, as seen when Neppa punched the ground and sent a stream of acid spiraling towards the Rescue Team.[1] Thus far, it has been seen to appear from the ground in a straight line, from the user's fist in a spiraling motion, and also as a horizontal tornado directed towards the target.[1][2][3] The acid produced as a result of this Magic is extremely corrosive, to the point where it can gnaw through solid stone, and has been noted to be extremely difficult to deflect or cut, making it an ideal weapon against most opponents.[3][4] In addition, Arcadios stated that this Magic, along with all of the others that the Garou Knights employ, was specifically designed in order to kill people.[5]