Fairy Tail Wiki
Fairy Tail Wiki
"It is no longer my place to resist, but I hope you are ready to take responsibility for the consequences, yes?"
Яджима Зигрейну в "Natsu Becomes a Meal"

Шаблон:Fairy Tail Wiki:Character Template (Other) Яджима (ヤジマ Yajima) бывший член Магического Совета, и давний друг Мастера Гильдии Хвоста Феи, Макарова Дрейара. В настоящее время он - владелец и повар ресторана 8-Остров в Городе Харгеон.

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Яджима как член Совета

Яджима - низкий, старик с толстыми светло-коричневыми бровями и маленькими усами.  В его годах в Совете, он носил коричневую рубашку с длинным рукавами с черными вертикальными полосками и черной трех-зубчатой шляпой (напоминающую шутовской колпак).[1] Когда он покинул Совет и вошел в бизнес кулинарии, он начал носить одежду  и шляпу повара.[2] В молодости он был среднего роста, имел каштановые волосы и носил светло-коричневую рубашку с воротником и темно-сине-зеленые штаны.[3]


Yajima fierceness

Свирепость Яджимы по отношению к Хвосту Ворону

Яджима - очень тихий человек. Во время встреч с Советом он хранит молчание большую часть времени, даже когда он знал, что что-то было неправильно.[4] Эта черта остается с ним и в X791, поскольку он ничего не говорит об обмане Хвоста Ворона, несмотря на то, что знал правду.[5] Яджима значительно выручает Хвост Феи и всегда поддерживает их.[6] Это происходит из-за его близкого знакомства с Макаровым, бывшим товарищем по команде, или возможно из-за его бывшей принадлежности к гильдии.


Old team

Старая Команда Яджимы

Однажды, Яджима был членом Хвоста Феи в течение некоторого времени, будучи в команде рядом с Макаровым, Полюшкой, Голдмином, Бобом, и Робом.[7]


Фантом Лорд

После войны Хвоста Феи с Фантомом Лордом, Яджима попросил Макарова быть осторожным в будущем. Он утверждает, что время может настать, когда он больше не будет в состоянии поддержать Хвост Феи, когда Магический Совет станет рассерженным на их раздражительный характер, который может в конечном счете привести к их расформированию, если терпение Совета достигнет конца.[6]


Вместе с Мираджейн, Макаровым, Голдмином и Бобом, Яджима идет смотреть на выступление Команды Нацу - Фредерик и Яндерика.[8]

Райская Башня

Yajima angry at Siegrain

Яджима злой на Зигрейна

Когда Магический Совет обнаруживает, что остающаяся башня R-системы , используемая "Братом близнецом" Зигрейна, чтобы воскресить темного Мага Зерефа, Зигрейн, пытается убедить Совет использовать Эфирион, чтобы полностью разрушить башню,[9] но Яджима выступает против, защищая невинных людей проживающих в Башне. После того, как Зигрейн выигрывает большинство голосов Совета, Яджима ожидает, что прежний возьмет на себя ответственность за последствия, которые были бы вызваны использованием Эфириона и предупреждает Зигрейна, что потерянные жизни будут на его совести.[10]

Впоследствии, в то время как шла подготовка Эфериона, Яджима шпионил за Зигрейном и Уртир и подслушивает их разговор о том, как его мечты будут реализованы. У Яджимы появляются подозрения на счет их участия с Башней.[11] После наблюдения за Магической Силой Эфириона, поглощаемой и используемой, чтобы активировать R-систему, Яджима понимает обман Зигрейна и Уртир, но прежде чем он сможет противостоять любому из них, он смотрит, как двое внезапно исчезли.[12] После того, как Эфирион запущен, он видит, что Уртир нападает на Совет, и ошеломлен тем, как его дурачили все время.[13]

Орашион Сейс

После того, как Магический Совет преобразован, Яджима решает уйти и открывает новый ресторан в Городе Харгеон, названный 8-Остров, и нанимает Команду Нацу, чтобы они стали временно его работниками. После того, как группа заканчивает работу, Яджима благодарит их и говорит им не возмущать Магический Совет, поскольку он больше не член Совета и не сможет их отмазать.[14]

Grand Magic Games arc

Chapati and Yajima

Yajima and Lola

Yajima later appears alongside Chapati Lola as an announcer in the Grand Magic Games Main Events,[15] where he happily congratulates the members of Fairy Tail for passing the preliminaries.[16]

During the first day's initial match where Lucy is fighting against Flare Corona, Yajima senses something when Lucy's Urano Metria is cancelled. However, he keeps his silence.[5]

When the second day of the Grand Magic Games begins, Jason of Sorcerer Magazine stands as the event's guest judge. Chapati then announces the day's event being Chariot - a race between competitors, on interconnected chariots. Yajima hints that this competition, however, is not a regular race. Chapati asks Yajima on whom the latter thinks will win, but Yajima replies that he is not sure. The duo comment on the game, where Bacchus emerges victorious.

Day 2 Judges

Yajima as a Model contest judge

In the battle portion, Yajima expects a fair fight between Kurohebi and Toby Horhorta, with the former claiming the win.[17] Yajima observes the battle that unfolds between Bacchus and Elfman, in which Team Fairy Tail A triumphs in. Yajima eagerly watches the next battle where Mirajane faces off against Jenny Realight in a peculiar swimsuit modelling contest [18] that ends with Mirajane effortlessly delivering the final blow against her opponent with her Satan Soul: Sitri. When Team Sabertooth's Yukino Aguria steps up to contend against Team Mermaid Heel's Kagura Mikazuchi, Yajima reminds Chapati that this is no longer another beauty contest, and the two announcers watch in surprise as the battle reaches its climax, and concludes with Kagura's victory.[19]

When the third day officially begins, Yajima and Chapati introduce the day's guest judge, Lahar. Yajima then wonders what occurrence may happen in the third day of the Games.[20]

Amazed commentators

Yajima shocked after Erza finishes the event by herself

The day's event Pandemonium begins, in which the participants must battle monsters inside a temple to earn points. After Erza Scarlet states that she will kill all the 100 monsters in the temple and eventually conquers the event by herself, Yajima, along with his commentators, is shocked by what they have just seen.[21] Yajima, amazed by Erza, jokingly admits that he gives up as the Games' commentator.[22] During the day's battle portion, Yajima asks Lahar about Eve's affiliation with the Council before the Snow Mage decided to enter Blue Pegasus, which Lahar confirms. In the battle between Team Fairy Tail B's Laxus Dreyar and Team Raven Tail's Alexei, Yajima asks Lahar if he has his unit standing by just in case. Lahar replies to Yajima that he brought his unit with him for the Games' regulations and such. He tells Lahar to keep an eye out on Team Raven Tail, and if they do anything mischievous he will command him to stop the match immediately.[23]

Excited Chapati

Yajima embarrassed by Chapati's behavior

After Raven Tail's disqualification, the next battle is revealed to be Team Fairy Tail A's Wendy Marvell against Team Lamia Scale's Chelia Blendy[24] Yajima is surprised about Fairy Tail having Wendy and comments on such a frail-like child joining a guild like Fairy Tail. The battle continues and Chapati gets excited as the battle gets more and more intense, leading to Yajima reminding him not to embarrass himself. Chapati is too excited that he commits mistakes when he comments on the match; Yajima corrects Chapati about the kind of Magic used by the girls battling. The battle continues with both girls giving it their all, when suddenly Wendy unleashes a secret technique and everyone thinks Chelia is defeated.[25] Surprisingly, Chelia gets up uninjured, wearing a smile and saying that the battle has just begun.[26]

At the end of the third day, Yajima, while leaving the stadium, meets Doranbolt, Lahar and some Rune Knights finding out that "Mystogan" has the same face as Jellal Fernandes. Aware about what was going on, Yajima decides to cover Jellal's identity, saying that he is in fact Mystogan, the Edolas counterpart of Jellal, and thus both have the same face, this being the reason why Mystogan hides his face. Aware of the existence of Edolas too, Lahar accepts Yajima's explanation and lets Jellal go.[27] Yajima then mentally communicates with Jellal, telling him to leave before he causes problems for Makarov. After the incident, however, Lahar tells Doranbolt that Yajima was lying.[28]

Day 4 Judges

Yajima and his co-hosts on the fourth day

The fourth day starts with the event Naval Battle, in which the competitors must knock each other out of a giant water sphere, with a special rule applying to the final two competitors left. Given the rules, Yajima points out that the event is like a "water sumo match". Together with his partners, Chapati Lola and Rabian, he gives an overview on the competitors before the start of the event.[29]

After the events completion, Yajima and his co-hosts watch as Fairy Tail and Sabertooth have a tense moment and narrowly avoid fighting after Minerva's display of cruelty towards Lucy.[30] When the new Team Fairy Tail -a combination of the A and B team made to even out the numbers- steps out, Chapati comments on the fact that Fairy Tail and Sabertooth have been matched against each other later that day, with Yajima pondering over what may have happened earlier had the two teams not settled down.[31] Later that day the tag battles begin, and Yajima comments on Nichiya's (who is revealed to be the Blue Pegasus member in the bunny suit) quick knock out of the battle, and how everything has come down to Ichiya in a 1 vs. 2 fight.[32] However, Ichiya manages to pull through and win the fight, and when later asked if he believed it to be a good match, Yajima replies that he supposes it was.[33]

Yajima watches Natsu and Gajeel's power

Yajima ponders the third tag battle

Later that day, the third tag battle begins between Natsu and Gajeel of Team Fairy Tail and Sting and Rogue of Team Sabertooth. When Natsu and Gajeel easily -to the surprise of the crowd- begin to overpower the Twin Dragons, Chapati hastily turns to Yajima and asks for his opinion on the matter. Yajima doesn't reply at first, but then states that the Sabertooth Mages were simply outmatched.[34] However, Sting and Rogue aren't ready to give up that easily, and go into Dragon Force, moving to turn the fight around. Before the two can attack together though, Sting tells Rogue to stand back and states that he can take the two himself, with Yajima commenting that he must be very confident.[35]

Yajima and the other commentators declare Team Fairy Tail the winner after the long battle fought against Team Sabertooth's Twin Dragons and team Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gajeel. Before the teams head back to their respective lodgings, Yajima announces that after the one day break, the final day will feature a survival match, in which every member will participate.[36]

Day 5 Casters

Yajima commentating on the final day

On the last day of the Games, Chapati introduces Yajima as Yajima greets everyone. He watches as the teams come from the last to first. When they say the second place, Sabertooth, Chapati says they look different, and Yajima guesses that they have renewed their fighting spirit, and when Fairy Tail arrive, he and Chapati wonder what happened to Natsu, who was suddenly replaced by Juvia.[37]

The rules of the final event are then announced: with Crocus serving as battlefield, the competitors must find and defeat each other to earn points in the ranking. Once these rules are announced, Yajima points out that, as expected, most of the teams have separated, though some of them are in groups of twos and threes.[38] Soon after the start of the event, however, one of the teams is completely eliminated from the Games, which makes Yajima worry about them.[39]

Three Shocked Stooges

Yajima's shock at seeing the three way battle begin

Team Fairy Tail, that hasn't made a move yet, finally does so, only to be the target of the spell that Rufus Lore used in the first event to decimate his opponents, as remarked by Yajima.[40] As the current event progresses, Sabertooth, Lamia Scale and Fairy Tail have their teams tied in the ranking's first place, and once again Yajima worries about an eliminated team, this time being Blue Pegasus.[41] After Gray's victory over Rufus, Yajima and Chapati discuss Fairy Tail's advantage, their being the only team with five members left participating, while Mato sits beside them in shock over the outcome.[42] The astonishment takes over Yajima's face once again when, all of sudden, the three strongest female Mages of three different Guilds, Erza Scarlet, Kagura Mikazuchi and Minerva engage in a fight.[43]

As the intense battle with the competitions strongest females rages on, Yajima, with Chapati and Mato, are shocked to see the destructive power of Minerva's Yagdo Rigora, which reduces a portion of the battlefield to rubble.[44] Once the dust clears, Yajima and the rest are even more surprised to see that the attack barely damaged Erza and Kagura.[45] While more battles start in the city, Yajima wonders about Sting's whereabouts as the Lacrima cameras are unable to pinpoint his location.[46] Yajima then witnesses a pool of blood in Erza and Kagura's battle after Kagura unsheathes her sword.[47][48] Erza seemingly wins, and Chapati praises her willpower in these conditions, and Yajima agrees.[49]

Commentating On Gajeel vs Rogue

Yajima watches "Rogue" fight back

As Rogue finally gaining an advantage in his battle with Gajeel, Chapati watches in shock and questions this change in Rogue. Yajima tells him that Gajeel could have done something to aggravate Rogue, with both being ignorant to the shadow's intervention in the battle, while Mato watches on, excited for what's to come.[50] Soon after, Gajeel turns the tables by attacking while in Iron Shadow Dragon Mode, using a powerful roar which is seen around the surroundings and greatly surprises Yajima.[51]

Shoving Microphone Onto Yajima's Face

Yajima comments on Team Fairy Tail's current status

Yajima watches as the battle between Jura, Laxus and Orga begins and is then left in awe of Jura's power, as Orga is smashed into the ground by the Saint's might.[52] He's then left speechless as Laxus is smacked down by Jura, very similar to how Orga was earlier.[53] However, Yajima is pleased to see Team Fairy Tail's Laxus Dreyar defeating the Lamia Scale's Jura Neekis.[54] Afterwards, when Erza, Juvia and Gray finish off their opponents, Yajima states that Fairy Tail is in the brink of victory, but comments on the Mages' physical state as it is noted that if Sting is able to take them all down Sabertooth will be victorious.[55] Despite his worry, Sting gives up, giving Team Fairy Tail the win. The three commentators announce the winning Guild: Fairy Tail.[56] Yajima expresses his opinion on Fairy Tail's victory via stating that Makarov must be overjoyed over the recent events.[57]

Yajima then joins the party after the Grand Magic Games. When Makarov states that he is surprised they were let into the castle, Yajima responds that living a long life has some advantages.[58]


Freed and Yajima reading

Яджима читает газету в ресторане

Yajima is at his restaurant reading the newspaper along with the Thunder God Tribe, who all have taken a job request to work as his assistants, when he finds out that the recent bombing of the Magic Council has resulted in numerous casualties. Upon hearing the news, Bickslow states that it is good how Yajima is no longer a member of the Magic Council, though instead of expressing relief, Yajima instead scolds the young man.[59]

When Yajima then asks the Mages where Laxus Dreyar is, a mysterious man suddenly approaches and destroys the entire building with a devastating whirlwind, much to Yajima's shock and horror. Then, the mysterious man attempts to attack Yajima but Bickslow and Freed quickly come to defend their employer;[60] unfortunately, the Thunder God Tribe are all swiftly defeated. The mysterious man then informs Yajima that the Gates of Hell have opened and proceeds to strangle him, holding him by the neck. However, a bolt of lightning sent by Laxus hits Yajima's attacker at the last moment, saving the old man's life.[61]

Yajima looks for a way out

Яджима пытается найти выход

Vividly overjoyed to see Laxus, Yajima can only watch as the Lightning Dragon Slayer dominates the mysterious man.[62] After Laxus' seeming victory, Yajima and the others ponder what to do with the Dark Mage. Yajima ends up sulking over his demolished restaurant whilst reminding Bickslow that, with the Magic Council presently destroyed, its branches are sure to follow. Shortly thereafter, they are abruptly interrupted by the mysterious man, who proceeds to blow himself up and release a toxic mist into the air, infecting the present Mages and weakening them. Yajima attempts to protect himself from the dark mist but is overpowered by the spell; he ultimately collapses while looking for an exit.[63]

Yajima is later transported to the Fairy Tail Guild where Porlyusica tends to him, as well as Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe; Porlyusica later declares that Yajima's condition is grave.[64]

Магия и Способности


Магия Яджимы

Flattening Magic: Яджима в состоянии исказить его собственную конструкцию тела и сгладить ее, дополнительно предоставляя ему несколько прозрачное появление. Этот признак особенно удобен для слежки.[11]

Кулинарный Специалист: Яджима использует Волшебство для приготовления еды для клиентов его ресторана, 8 Остров.[65]

Телепатия (念話 Terepashī): Яджима в состоянии говорить телепатически с другими ни с кем слышащим разговор кроме человека, с которым он говорит.[66]

Мысленная Проекция (思念体 Shinentai): Яджима способен к созданию Мысленной Проекции себя, который он использует, чтобы посетить Волшебников в зале суда, даже не будучи там лично.[67]


Интересные Факты

  • Ему нравится рамен с 12 кусочками свинины пожаренных на барбекю (char siu).[68]


Битвы и События

  • Задержание Макарова Дрейара
  • Великий Банкет
  • Лаксус Дрейар, Громовержцы и Яджима vs. Темпеста


  1. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 79, Станица 9
  2. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 131, Страница 5
  3. Fairy Tail Anime: Эпизод 8
  4. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 79, Страница 9
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 272, Страница 16
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 69, Страницы 4-5
  7. Fairy Tail Anime: Эпизод 8
  8. Fairy Tail Anime: Эпизод 30
  9. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 79, Страницы 7-9
  10. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 88, Страница 19-20
  11. 11,0 11,1 Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 90, Страницы 6-8
  12. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 94, Страница 13
  13. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 95, Страницы 2-4
  14. 14,0 14,1 Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 131, Страницы 5-7
  15. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 267, Page 8
  16. 16,0 16,1 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 267, Page 10
  17. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 277, Page 5
  18. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 279, Page 13
  19. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 280: Page 6-9
  20. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 284, Page 2
  21. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 284, Page 18
  22. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 285, Page 2
  23. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 286, Page 3-8
  24. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 287, Pages 16-18
  25. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 288, Pages 2-15
  26. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 288, Pages 17
  27. 27,0 27,1 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 290, Pages 4-5
  28. 28,0 28,1 28,2 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 290, Page 9 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>: название «Fairy Tail Manga Page 9» определено несколько раз для различного содержимого
  29. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 291, Pages 4-5
  30. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 292, Pages 3-5
  31. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 292, Page 11
  32. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 293, Page 12
  33. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 293, Page 17
  34. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 294, Pages 31-34
  35. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 295, Page 6
  36. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 297, Pages 1-2
  37. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 303, Pages 12-18
  38. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 304, Page 8
  39. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 304, Page 15
  40. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 305, Page 4
  41. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 305, Page 12
  42. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 307, Page 3
  43. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 311, Page 20
  44. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 312, Page 14
  45. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 312, Page 17
  46. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 313, Page 17
  47. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 314, Page 20
  48. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 315, Page 4
  49. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 315, Page 11
  50. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 318, Page 8
  51. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 319, Page 9
  52. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 320, Page 10
  53. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 320, Page 17
  54. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 321, Pages 4-21
  55. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 322, Page 10
  56. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 321, Pages 21-22
  57. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 323, Страница 2
  58. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 338, Страница 5
  59. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 357, Страницы 6-7
  60. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 357, Pages 9-12
  61. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 357, Pages 16-19
  62. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 358, Page 2
  63. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 358, Pages 10-16
  64. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 358, Страница 19
  65. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 131, Страница 6
  66. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 290, Страница 8
  67. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 27, Page 7
  68. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 69, Страница 4
  69. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 88, Страница 19
  70. Fairy Tail Manga: Глава 131, Страница 7

